Server Chat Commands
The thing that the server can boast a lot about are the commands in the chat. They are very useful if of course you know how to use them. The server works like a social network, you can add / delete friends, find exactly where someone is, whisper to someone that others can't see, list all the games and much more.
Command | Description |
/f add (username) | Adds (username) to your friends list. |
/f del (username) | Removes (username) from your friends list. |
/f promote (username) | Promotes (username) one line up your friends list. |
/f demote (username) | Demotes (username) one line down your friends list |
/f list | Displays your friends list. |
/f online | Displays your online friends list. |
/f m (text) | Whisper (msgtext) to all of your online friends. |
/w (player) (message) | Sends a private (message) to (player) |
/r (message) | Reply to the last person to send you a private message |
/mail send (username) (message) | Sends a message to (username). |
/mail read (index) | Reads mail (index). |
/mail delete (index) | Deletes mail (index). |
/ignore (username) | Blocks future messages sent from (username). |
/unignore (username) | Allows a previously squelched (player) to talk to you normally. |
/away (message) | Displays (message) to users who whisper to you. To disable, use the /away command again with no (message). |
/dnd (message) | Prevents all whispers from displaying to your screen. To disable, use the command again with no message. |
/who (channel) | Displays a list of users in (channel) |
/j (channel) | Moves you to (channel) |
/channels | Displays a list of all available channels) |
/users | View a list of all logged in users. |
/games | Displays a list of online games. Set [difficulty] for Diablo games only (norm|night|hell). |
/gameinfo (gamename) | Displays information about (gamename). | /watchall | Displays when any user joins the server or enters/leaves a game. |
/unwatchall (gamename) | Disables notifications. |
/con | Displays everyone online on the server in all games and channels |
/netinfo (player) | Displays (player) network information. |
/ping | Displays your ping to the server. |
/tos | Displays the Terms of Service. |
/clan create (clantag) (clanname) | Create a new clan. |
/clan msg (message) | Whispers a message to all your fellow clan members. |
/clan invite (username) | Invite (username) to your clan. |
/clan invite get | Show clanname which you have been invited. |
/clan invite accept | Accept invitation to clan. |
/clan invite decline | Decline invitation to clan. |
/clan motd (message) | Update the clan's Message of the Day to (message). |
/clan public | Opens the clan channel up to the public so that anyone may enter. |
/clan private | Closes the clan channel such that only members of the clan may enter. |
/clan disband | Disband your clan. |
F1 | View info about navigating the chat lobby |
Alt + V | Show or hide Join/Leave notifications in the channel. |
Alt + N | Copy the selected username in right-hand list to the chat box. |